The following donors are helping to preserve and protect the true working Jack Russell Terrier as registered by the Jack Russell Terrier Club of America (JRTCA) and the Jack Russell Terrier Club of Great Britain (JRTCGB) and its many affiliated clubs throughout the world.
The donations will also help us to enhance our ability to educate the general public about this very special terrier and all its attributes, and distinguish it from the “variants” that have been registered by the Kennel Club.
We would like to acknowledge and thank the following donors:
Bronze Donors
- Den & Ailsa Crawford, NJ
Pewter Donors
- Sally & Charles Hickey, VA
- Wayne & Nita May, VA
- St. Croix JRT Club, IL
Silver Donors
- Jennifer Noordam, VA
- Scott Melneck, GA
- Kay Sadowsky, NY
Exhibitor Donors
- Martha Milligan, NC
- Joan & Jesse Crouse, PA
- Don & Sue Ann Wilson, FL
- Pat & Zeb Winslow, NC
- Judy Norrell, VA
- Randolph Ney
- Dean & Sharon Parsons, VA
- Dogwood JRT Club, GA
- Yankee JRT Club, CT
- Virginia JRT Club
- Carolinas JRT Club
A special thank you to Russell Rescue, Inc. for their support. There have been many more donors to the Patron and Friend levels too numerous to list here, but just as sincerely appreciated. THANK YOU!
The Museum operates entirely on donations, thank you for your support, and please continue to support us in the future!
Become a Donor to the Jack Russell Terrier Museum.
Donor Levels
- Bronze Donor: $5,000
- Pewter Donor: $2,500 (up to $5,000)
- Silver Donor: $1,000 (up to $2,500)
- Exhibitor Donor: $250 (up to $1,000)
- Patron Donor: $100 (up to $250)
- Friend Donor: $25 (up to $100)
- Memory Book: $100 per dog
- Memory Plaque: $500