To protect and preserve the history and heritage of the true working Jack Russell Terrier from its beginnings in Great Britain to its development in the USA. Our mission is to protect and preserve this unspoiled type of working terrier by educating the public about its appropriate breed standards, genetic health, intelligence, and rich history, thus ensuring its future.
The purpose of the Museum and Crawford Library is to permanently document and illustrate the history of the true Jack Russell Terrier, particularly as it developed in the Jack Russell Terrier Club of America, but also from its beginnings in Great Britain, and make it available in this Museum and Library to educate anyone interested in the true Jack Russell Terrier.
The Museum & Library houses a growing collection of writings, publications, photographs, and other Jack Russell Terrier related items that document and preserve the history of the terrier since the beginning of the Jack Russell Terrier Club of Great Britain and the Jack Russell Terrier Club of America. It also documents the beginnings of the breed back to the days of Reverend John Russell.

Ailsa M. Crawford
Founder and President Emeritus of the JRTCA
Ailsa Crawford, Founder of the JRTCA, and her husband Harden Crawford, as well as influential terriers and their human counterparts, judges, and others who have influenced the working Jack Russell Terrier throughout the years, are highlighted.
The Museum & Crawford Library includes many documents, photographs, Jack Russell related artwork, magazine articles, books, and other items of interest.
This is a very brief overview of what will be a very large project extending over many years that will ultimately preserve the JRTCA’s history, honor Ailsa Crawford as its Founder, and most importantly – preserve the True Jack Russell Terrier.
This is of utmost importance in today’s Jack Russell Terrier world, with the confusion created by the Kennel Club “Variants” of our terrier now being registered and promoted by the Kennel Club.
The intent is to build something that members of the JRTCA, donors to the Foundation, and all true Jack Russell Terrier enthusiasts, will keep going for many, many years to protect the TRUE Jack Russell Terrier, keeping its heritage alive for another 200 plus years!
Jack Russell Terrier Museum Brochure (PDF)
Board of Directors
Wayne May, President – maydayjrt@outlook.com
Catherine Brown, Vice-President – BrownAcorn@aol.com
Donna Malone, Board Member – auniquesalon@gmail.com
Sue Farmer, Board Member – mysticpines@gmail.com
Dawn Reposky, Board Member – Reposky9@yahoo.com
Ed Lustig, Board Member – tinytower60@gmail.com
Honorary Ad Hoc Board Members/Advisors
Den Crawford
Jack Batzer, Facilities Coordinator
Charles Hickey, Business Manager
Jesse Crouse, Property Management
Terri Batzer, Administrative Director