Jack Russell Terrier Museum Benefit Terrier Trials III & IV

JUNE 22-23, 2019

Sanctioned by The Jack Russell Terrier Club of America

All exhibitors must be current members of the JRTCA.

Fredericksburg Agricultural Fairgrounds
2400 Airport Avenue
Fredericksburg, VA 22401


  • July 17 – Trial Results Posted
  • May 29 – Dinner changed from Friday to Saturday night at 7 pm (see flyer below)

Trial Results

Flyers/Entry Forms



Lisa Drinkwater, Conformation
Jim Eslinger/Marina Sauer, Go-to-Ground & Super Earth


Martha Milligan, Conformation
Jim Eslinger/Marina Sauer, Go-to-Ground & Super Earth


Wayne May, 804-641-0279, maydayjrt@outlook.com

February 2019 Museum News

JRT Museum LogoWe had a bit of a set back as we had to relocate as of December 1, 2018.  The previous location wanted to significantly increase rental costs, so the decision was made to look for another location.  The good news is that a more suitable space was found, and the Museum moved along with the JRTCA offices on December 1, 2018.  There is still much setup to be done!

The new location offers a much more suitable large room, complete with nice spotlights, for the museum.  There is plenty of parking, with an outside garden type area.  The Museum Board and committee is planning to have an open house hopefully in late April.  Watch for more details!

The second Museum Benefit Trial is planned for June 22-23 at the Fredericksburg Fairgrounds in Fredericksburg, VA.  Watch for details here, the flyer will be posted soon – please sponsor a class!

The Museum needs old photos… Particularly of some of the early JRTCA or JRTCGB registered terriers who were prominent in early pedigrees.  We are also looking for photos of influential breeders, and early judges – both JRTCA and JRTCGB – who are not currently on our lists.  We are sure many of you must have some of these photos in your archives.  Please send them to us – hard copy by mail, or scan and email in high enough resolution to enlarge.  They will become a permanent part of the Museum!  We can return original photographs if requested.

If anyone is interested in working on a Museum committee, please contact us!

Our new address is 16925 York Road, Suite B, Monkton, MD 21111.  This is a very rural location in Maryland fox hunting country.  Plan to visit soon!

Photo Galleries

Museum TrialWe have added photo galleries to the Jack Russell Terrier Museum site.   

The first gallery we have posted is from the JRT Museum Benefit trial held in Virginia in June of 2018.

The trial was attended by nearly 200 terriers and their owners, who enjoyed the many terrier events, and a Friday evening dinner and spirits raffle.  Thanks to all who sponsored classes, donated to the raffles, exhibited their terriers, or gave of their time as judges and workers.

View Photo Gallery

September Museum Newsletter

We plan to have a newsletter posted every 4 months. The newsletter will consist of many factors. We will have a “spotlight” every newsletter which will consist of highlighting a special family or person and their terriers.

I want to thank everyone for all their hard work and donations making the First Museum Trial such a success. Judy has posted the names of our sponsors separately. If you see them at a trial take a moment to thank them for their donation to YOUR Museum. This museum is for you and your wonderful terriers.

September Newsletter Contents

  • Newsletter Introduction
  • JRT Benefit Trial
  • BOD Member List

View September 2018 Newsletter (PDF)

August 2018 Museum News

JRT Museum LogoIt’s been a busy time for the Museum since May!

The first Jack Russell Terrier Museum Benefit Trial was successfully held the weekend of July 16-17th in Fredericksburg, Virginia.  The trial was attended by nearly 200 terriers and their owners, who enjoyed the many terrier events, and a Friday evening dinner and spirits raffle.  Although expenses were higher than usual since this was the first trial, thanks to all who sponsored classes, donated to the raffles, exhibited their terriers, or gave of their time as judges and workers a nice profit was still achieved. The final financial reports are not yet complete, but we will post the netted amount as soon as they are.

The most exciting news is that we are looking for a farm property to house the Museum, and to offer space for the JRTCA office.  As we began to put together the very basics of a Museum in the current office space, it quickly became obvious that much more would be needed if we were to obtain our goal of preserving the true Jack Russell Terrier – it is so much more than memorabilia on the walls and educational displays.  Hands-on observation and training is such an important part of truly understanding this terrier.

We have had a generous promise of dollars for a sizable down payment, but we will still have to raise considerable funds to make it all happen.  The plan is to find a place that will be the Jack Russell Terrier Homesteada place that will be welcome all Jack Russell Terrier owners to not only visit the museum, but to be able to observe and do everything the true working Jack Russell does.  A place where training, trialing, natural earthwork, and more can be offered.  A place where Jack Russell enthusiasts can spend a terrier week or weekend, and learn everything there is to know about the Jack Russell Terrier, thus ensuring its future.

We will be beginning our fundraising campaign for The Homestead in the next week or so.  A GO-FUND-ME page is being set up, and you can of course make donations through PayPal on this site – just mark it for THE HOMESTEAD!  Every amount, no matter how small or large, will help us reach this important goal!

You can help by spreading the word to anyone and everyone who might want to make a donation to preserve the true Jack Russell Terrier!

Please check back frequently to see our progress.

Also, don’t forget we are still collecting unique Jack Russell related items for the museum.  We also need photos of many of the early terriers that were influential in breeding throughout the past 30-35 years, and also those from England that were in so many pedigrees.

We will have a booth at the JRTCA National Trial in Boonsboro, MD October 12-14th.  If you will be attending the Nationals, or in the area, please stop by and visit us!!

Jack Russell Terrier Museum Benefit Terrier Trials I & II

JUNE 16-17, 2018
Sanctioned by The Jack Russell Terrier Club of America

All exhibitors must be current members of the JRTCA.

To be held at the Fredericksburg Agricultural Fairgrounds 2400 Airport Avenue, Fredericksburg, VA 22401.

Flyers/Entry Forms



Cheryl Hart, Conformation
Kasey Eslinger/Jim Eslinger, Go-to-Ground & Super Earth


Linda Cowasjee, Conformation
Jim Eslinger/Kasey Eslinger, Go-to-Ground & Super Earth


Sally Hickey, 804-350-4581
Wayne May, 804-641-0279

Thank You to Donors

Russell Rescue LogoThe Jack Russell Terrier Museum and Crawford Library would like to thank the recent donations to the Museum from the incredibly supportive community of Jack Russell Terrier enthusiasts.

Your donations will will help to preserve and protect the true working Jack Russell Terrier and also help us to enhance our ability to educate the general public about this very special terrier and all its attributes, and distinguish it from the “variants” that have been registered by the Kennel Club.

Your contributions will also preserve the legacy of Ailsa & Den Crawford, the original founders of the JRTCA, and its early beginnings where they envisioned a unique club of terrier enthusiasts that would preserve the heritage of the true working Jack Russell Terrier as it was originally developed.

February 2018 Museum News

Joan and Catherine

Joan and Catherine

A meeting of the Museum Board of Directors and assistants was held at the Museum on January 27, 2018, with a “work day” the previous day.

Planning for the first JRT Museum Benefit Trial was the major agenda item.  The trial will be held June 16-17 in Fredericksburg, VA.  Lots of helpers will be needed, as well as financial support to cover expenses.  Please sponsor a class or a Division… the sponsorship form will be on this web site soon! Lots of fun for you and your terrier while raising funds for the museum!  Friday evening will be a good lasagna dinner with wine and a fun “spirits raffle.”  Also a good raffle during the trial, please bring a raffle prize!  Look for the trial flyer on line soon!

The Earthwork Room is coming along thanks to the efforts of Jack Batzer.

Sue Tack setting up trialing room

Sue Tack setting up trialing room

Sue Tack spent the weekend and got a good start on putting the Trialing Room together.

There is a lot of work to be done, and much is needed.. if you are interested in helping please call any board member!

The Museum’s First Fundraising Event – “The Wall”

Nationals boothA booth was set up at the JRTCA National Trial in Boonsboro, Maryland October 13-15, 2017.  Hundreds of people visited the booth, and over $12,000 was raised in donations!  Jack Batzer, Wayne May, Sally Hickey, Patty Kupcyzk and others manned the booth throughout the weekend, talking to many interested Jack Russell owners.

The “WALL” was set up by Wayne & Nita May, with donor envelopes from $1 to $200.  Approximately 60% of the envelopes were sponsored!  The WALL will continue until all envelopes are gone; when every envelope has been spoken for, a total of $20,000 will have been raised to start up the Museum!  These much-needed funds will be the basis of getting the Museum started, along with the physical donations we have received.

tear down the wall

PLEASE HELP US FINISH TEARING DOWN THE WALL!  Call or email Wayne May to make your donation and take down another envelope!  All of the names on The Wall will be put on to a permanent plaque to be displayed in the Museum.

Wayne can be reached at maydayjrt@outlook.com, or 804-641-0279.


Display Booth at National Trial

The Museum & Library will have a display booth at the JRTCA National Trial in Boonsboro, Maryland October 13-15, 2017.

Donors will be invited to “THE WALL” and asked to donate between $1 and $200 to generate the start-up funds needed to continue work the museum.  Be sure and visit the booth, pick up a brochure, pin or car sticker.  Help us to….